Block Management Issues

In An Emergency

If you or a neighbour is experiencing an emergency call: 

  • Emergency Services on 999

  • The out-of-hours team on 0161 275 9292

Urgent situations demand prompt action and have the potential to put your well-being, as well as that of others, at risk or compromise building security.

Such circumstances typically necessitate immediate attention, often within a four-hour timeframe, and may include:

  • Gas leaks

  • Power outage affecting a building

  • Heating system failure in a building

  • Significant water leaks

  • Fire or imminent danger of fire or explosion

  • Structural collapse

  • Complete loss of elevator services

  • Failure of the fire alarm system

Urgent Repairs

Urgent repairs are time-sensitive inquiries do not pose an immediate danger to individuals' health and safety but necessitate a prompt reply. Our standard practice is to complete these tasks within 7 working days depending on the severity.  Examples of such requests include:

  • Blocked drains
  • Temporary repair of broken communal windows or doors for safety
  • Malfunctioning locks
  • Loss of heating, hot water, or lighting to multiple apartments. 
  • Overflowing fixtures

Non Urgent Repairs

Non-urgent inquiries do not pose a risk to health and safety but do affect your daily living and require attention. Our general aim is to address these requests within 2 working days and have them resolved within 7-14 working days. Examples of non-urgent requests include:

  • Adjustment of communal door closures
  • General cleaning of communal areas
  • External window cleaning 

How to Report an Issue

Please fill out the following form below to report your issue, giving us as much detail as you can to assist our property management team.

You’ll receive an email receipt, and your issue will be categorised and prioritised by one of our team members who will arrange a operative or contractor to come and fix the issue. 

If you aren’t satisfied with the repair, you can re-open the ticket or report it again. Please be specific about why the job hasn’t been completed satisfactorily.

Please note this form is for communal issues only. If you are a leaseholder and wish to report a snagging issue please follow the following link. If you are a tenant and wish to report a maintenance or repair issue within your home please follow the following link